$323 Mini Bitcoin Miner - NerdQAxe Review

cryptocurrency 5 hours ago

I just got a new $323 Mini Bitcoin Miner that could mine me 3.125 Bitcoins at home, and it's silent! This Bitronics NerdQAxe, a custom upgraded Bitaxe by Nerdminer, is one of the newest and profitable BTC mining rigs for solo mining in your house. How's it compare to Bitaxes and other WiFi BTC miners? Buy one here before they're sold out! https://voskco.in/nerdm Bitronics / Nerdminer designed and sells Nerdaxes here! https://voskco.in/nerdm Use code VOSKCOIN to save some coin! Buy this if you love mini BTC miners with displays - https://voskco.in/braiinscoupon Subscribe to VoskCoin - http://voskco.in/Sub Buy a big Bitaxe the SupraHex here - https://voskco.in/tch Best Bitaxes to buy - https://medium.com/voskcoin/best-bitaxe-to-buy-and-where-15d04093e34e Watch the Bitcoin Solo Miner playlist here - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4dnwHTjcf-_MQI_v7hDS-moxvILUjCRu Best Bitcoin wallet, this is what I use - https://geni.us/OTPBxK Mining Disrupt is the biggest conference for miners! https://voskco.in/md There are powerful full-size Bitcoin miners, like the Bitmain Antminer S21, MicroBT whatsminer m60s, and Canaan Avalonminers -- but the Bitaxe is so incredibly interesting, giving you a shot at earning $300k in Bitcoin daily basically, best used as a Bitcoin solo mining miner. The best part about Bitaxes is that they are low-cost open sourced Bitcoin miners, using latest generation Bitcoin mining ASIC chips for high efficiency and low power BTC ASIC mining! The Nerdminer and Nerdaxe projects are also open-sourced evolutions of the Bitaxe miners, so even though Bitronics designed and manufactures and sells these, other Bitaxe manufacturers can also make them as well as you could even DIY your own Nerdaxe or NerdQAxe or NerdQAxe+ or NerdQaxe++ When will you mine a Bitcoin block?! Check on https://www.SoloLuck.com/ ⏰ Timestamps ⏰ 00:00 Is this the coolest BTC miner ever?! 01:00 What is the NerdQAxe Plus miner? 02:46 Setting up the NerdQAxe Plus 06:28 Overclocking & DIYing BitAxe miners! 08:20 Initial impressions of the NerdQAxe Plus 09:42 Why mine with mini BTC miners? 13:04 Is the NerdQAxe Plus running well? 16:34 VoskCoin NerdQAxe Plus review VoskCoin Links - https://voskco.in/25 VoskCoin is for entertainment purposes only and is never intended to be financial investment advice. VoskCoin owns or has owned cryptocurrency and associated hardware. VoskCoin may receive donations or sponsorships in association with certain content creation. VoskCoin may receive compensation when affiliate/referral links are used. VoskCoin is home of the Doge Dad, VoskCoin is not your Dad, and thus VoskCoin is never liable for any decisions you make. #Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #VoskCoin #bitaxe #cryptocurrency #passiveincome #workfromhome #makemoney #sidehustle #investing
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