5130 cryptocurrencies
Total Market Cap $3,141.41B
24h Total Volume $30.75B

LitecoinHD LitecoinHD star

0.00000000 ()

LitecoinHD, coin symbol as LHD, is an innovative cryptocurrency based on Conditioned Proof of Capacity (CPoC). Using hard disk as consensus carrier equipment for mining, the economic model and consensus algorithm of LitecoinHD is upgraded based upon PoC, being one of the fairest and most unified PoC cryptocurrencies at present.

Market Share
Proof type
24h Open $0.00000000
24h Low $0.00000000
24h High $0.00000000
Price in BTC BTC
Current Supply 0 LHD
Total Supply 84,000,000 LHD
Market Cap $0
24h Volume (coin) LHD
24h Volume (currency) $0
24h Total volume (coin) 0 LHD
Volume 24H $0.00000000
Last updated 2020-11-24 18:03:18 +00:00 GMT
ID Market Type Price Quantity Total
Date Price Volume

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