5130 cryptocurrencies
Total Market Cap $3,141.41B
24h Total Volume $30.75B

PeerCoin PeerCoin star

-0.02 (-4.75%)

A peer-to-peer crypto-currency design derived from Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoin. Proof-of-Stake replaces Proof-of-Work to provide most of the network security. Under this hybrid design proof-of-work mainly provides initial minting and is largely non-essential in the long run. Security level of the network is not highly enery dependent thus providing an energy efficient and more cost-competitive peer-to-peer crypto-currency. Proof-of-Stake is based on coin age and generated by each node via a hashing scheme bearing similarity to Bitcoins but over limited search space. Block chain history and transaction settlement are further protected by a centrally broadcasted checkpoint mechanism.

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Market Share 0.00%
Proof type
24h Open $0.46
24h Low $0.43
24h High $0.48
Price in BTC 0.00001852000000 BTC
Current Supply 27,990,330 PPC
Market Cap $12,165,461
24h Volume (coin) 3,320 PPC
24h Volume (currency) $1,443
24h Total volume (coin) 3,488 PPC
Volume 24H $1.52K
Last updated 2023-02-03 11:29:14 +00:00 GMT
ID Market Type Price Quantity Total
Date Price Volume

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